Cherryhill Education

The Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (CCIOA) is a set of laws that govern the formation, management, powers, and operation of common interest communities (HOAs) in Colorado. This set of laws went into effect in 1992 and the law was revised in 2022. The law covers many different types of HOAs including condos, cooperatives, planned communities, and other common interest communities. Becuase the law covers so many different types of communities much of the law does not pertaint to our community.

It seems that the general intent of the law is to require full disclosure of the Association's actions and activities to the homeowners. It also includes homeowner's rights and limits certain actions by the HOA.

The law does require that "the association provide homeowner education about the operations of the the association and the rights and responsibilities of owners, the association, and its executive board under Colorado law." [CCIOA Section 38-33.3-209.7 ] This section of the website is an attempt to provide homeowner education about the law and the HOA as required by CCIOA. In this section we'll provide homeowner discussions concerning CCIOA, the association, and homeowner rights and we'll update this nformation at least yearly and possibly more frequently.

Useful internet Links


To the right is a blog I'll be adding to periodically. In it I'll be discussing aspects of CCIOA and our HOA. Links will be provided to give further information about the items being discussed.

Jim Perkins


I have no legal training and what is posted here is my understanding and interpretation of what the law says and how it affects the Association. Do not use the information here as legal advice. The CCIOA and it's addenda is posted here for your information only. If you need legal advice or need a legal opinion on the law refer to a liscened attorney.
Jim Perkins