Cherryhill Archives

The archival page contains a myriad of different documents. Maps, drawings, meeting minutes, financial information, legal documents, etc. You, as a homeowner, may be interested in these.

Maps and Deeds

We have an unofficial copies of the original plat and replat of the subdivision. We also have a variety of other documents including some original developer plans and a copy of the land grant made in 1894 to Mansir Stewart.

•Land Grant
Original Land grant to Mansir Stewart on Nov. 11, 1894. Stewart was born abt 1842 in NY then moved to Colorado Springs, Co in 1879 and then in 1883 he moved to GJ where he applied for this land grant. In 1895 he moved to Fruita. He died in 1918.
•Original Plat
Original survey plat of the devlopment. Made 1999.
Replat to provide lot for the irragation pond. Made 2000.
•Irragation Easement Deed
Deed to provide easement from street to pond. Made 2000.
•Revocable Permit
A permit from the city that allows the develpment to make and maintain landscape islands within city streets. Made 2002.
•Grading/ Drainage plan
Grading and Drainage plan from original developer. Made 12-1-98. As built 10-25-99.
•Utility Plan
Utility plan showing water and sewer. Made 12-1-1998. Asbuilt 5-24-1999.
•Irragation Plan
Irrigation plan showing distribution piping and original pond layout. Made 12-1-1998. Note that the pond was put in differantly than shown in this plan.

Table of available minutes and financial documents

The table below shows the past Association documents and includes past Homeowners meeting minutes, Board minutes, budgets, and financial statements. The financial statements ususally consist of an expense/income report. Financial statements and budgets that are marked 'recon' are reconstructed from information available, items marked NA are not available, and items with a dash have not yet occured. The documents shown are what we have at this time.

Year HOA mtg Brd mtg Budget Financial
2000 NA 3-15-00 2000 NA
2001 10-24-01 NA 2001 NA
2002 1-16-02 NA NA NA
2003 1-16-03 1-6-03 2003 2003
2004 1-14-04 4-27-04 NA 2004
12-9-04 12-9-04 6-7-04
2005 NA 1-18-05 2005 NA
2006 1-12-06 2-2-06 NA 2006
4-18-06 4-18-06 4-2-06
2007 1-25-07 4-5-07 2007 2007
2008 1-10-08 2-21-08 2008 2008
6-23-08 6-23-08 6-5-08
2009 5-21-09 NA 2009 2009
2010 6-30-10 NA NA 2010
2011 6-20-11 NA NA 2011
2012 7-23-12 NA NA 2012
2013 6-17-13 NA NA 2013
2014 5-28-14 4-14-14 NA 2014
2015 6-11-12 6-11-15 NA 2015
2016 4-6-16 NA NA NA
2017 5-23-17 NA NA NA
2018 4-1-18 NA NA NA
2019 5-1-19 NA 2019 NA
2020 NA NA 2020 NA
2021 5-29-21 NA NA NA
2022 5-21-22 NA 2022 2022
2023 5-6-23 5-17-23 2023 2023
2024 6-1-24 3-4-24 2024 2024

Other archived and misc documents

Other documents, if they are archived, are available with a request to the HOA secretary. Please make your request of documents using the document request form on the contact page. Include in the form a description, with dates, of the documents you'd like to recieve. Documents will be electronically delivered to you unless you request paper copies. Providing paper copies will encur a fee.